About Live Affordably Colorado
Live Affordably Colorado is an advocacy and educational campaign by Housing Colorado.
Live Affordably Colorado was launched in 2015, as a toolkit resource for members and community stakeholders to frame the conversation around Colorado’s housing crisis. As the burden of high housing costs continues to affect more and more industries in Colorado, the Live Affordably Colorado campaign has become increasingly relevant as leaders seek solutions at the federal, state and local level. The resources in the toolkit are intended to share facts and data, as well as highlight the essential role affordable housing plays in Colorado’s economy and communities. Members, business leaders, civic groups and individual citizens are welcome to use these resources and advance the discussion about affordability in our state and solutions to meet the current and future needs of Colorado.
Housing Colorado is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, membership-based association that serves and represents affordable housing professionals in Colorado. Learn more at housingcolorado.org.